There are various ways to begin your own journey of self discovery.
Keeping a personal journal is one way to express our feelings and let us reflect on life. It is also an effective tool for use in the healing process. If you love art and beautiful, bold graphics then an art journal maybe for you. Journaling has infinite possibilities!
Fill your journal with:
- thoughts
- ideas
- insights about who you are
- what makes you unique
- pieces of your life
- life lessons learned
- challenges faced
- obstacles that lie ahead
- things you appreciate
- uplifting quotes
- deepest desires
- self-portraits (Learn to love & accept yourself the way you are)
- writing with your non-dominant hand (to access our 'Inner Child.")
- favourite songs
- life goals
- living situations (work, relationships)
- musing about the world
- your hopes and dreams
Be open, honest, and real with yourself.